Friday, June 20, 2008


I've been taking a class on video editing with Final Cut Express and it is HARD.

Anyway, I finished The Tenth Circle about two days before I started seeing previews for the movie version on Lifetime next week. I will set my DVR. Someone posted all of the info about it (thank you!) as a comment on the post below. I'm still not sure I liked it.

Since then I've read Freaky Green Eyes by Joyce Carol Oates. Certainly some obvious allusions to the OJ Simpson case but it was a really good, short novel. I enjoy her writing style because it's deceptively simple though she is able to draw you in to the stories and the characters.

I need to start another novel but have really just been readin TIME and Runner's World for the last week. Good magazines. My next book purchase will be Final Cut Express 4: Visual QuickStart Guide. UGH.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just took a quiz on Flixster called "Pharmaceutical or Tolkien Character?" and scored a 70%. It was pretty seriously geeky and I think used character names from The Silmarillion which I was geeky enough to buy, but not to read.

So, I just couldn't "get into" the McCarthy book - I'll get back to it later this summer. For now, I am reading The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. I think it falls into a genre somewhere between Young Adult lit and chick lit. I know she's really popular (perhaps for her controversial subject matter?) and I like the graphic novel within the novel, but I don't really like the book. I really dislike all of the characters but the father and, strangely enough, the accused rapist. I'm making weird faces to myself as I write this post so let me move on.

I spent over a week between putting down McCarthy and picking up Picoult reading almost nothing. Well, magazine articles in TIME, Bicycling, and Runner's World, if those count. Also, snippets of books on potty training (they need to come with magic wands) and lots and lots of story books. It was relaxing and sometimes I just need a break from literature.

I've also been following my father's blog and dreaming of hitting the road.