Friday, August 15, 2008

Cruising along and catching up

Talk about your time-sucking activities...

Last week I read Breaking Dawn, the new teenage vampire novel by Stephenie Meyer. This is the fourth novel in the series and though I might normally enjoy reading about super-hot & super-tall werewolves (because, up until this novel, Jacob was my favorite character) I really didn't enjoy this 600+ page novel. The one thing that caused giggling in the corners of bookstores, libraries, classrooms, and living rooms everywhere is gone. The absence of sexual tension made the book way too tedious for me - and no one dies. Well, except Bella who will now be the smartest, most beautiful, and bestest vampire that ever lived. WHATever.

Now I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and it is laugh-out-loud funny. People kept telling me to read it (Amy Habberstad) but never loaned it to me or even told me what it was about. So, I had to spend my hard earned money on it one day after the gym. I keep crying from laughing so hard at pasta jokes and random words in Italian. Not to mention jokes just for Connecticut residents. I'm only 1/3 of the way through and will next read this year's Pulitzer Prize winner, another after-gym Title Wave purchase.

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