Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a foray into nonfiction

I finished Marya: A Life by Joyce Carol Oates this morning. She's just a brilliant writer and the only reason it took me a couple of weeks to read the novel was because I've been (and am still) traveling.
I don't know much about Joyce Carol Oates but the book definitely had a semi-autobiographical feel and it was such an unusual structure; it's not the usual story arc but really more snippets of life experiences. Though the main character has some horrid experiences I like that there isn't an attempt to analyze her or let her writhe in self-pity so the book ends up edgier and more provocative than I expected.

I just wandered my around my parents' apartment - they have hundreds and hundreds of books - and picked up Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick, a nonfiction book that won the National Book Award in 2006. I looked for their copy of Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian but my mom thinks it was given away. I saw Barack Obama's book on the floor in the living room and may pick that up next.

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